User Seller Information Form (USIF)

The approximate time to complete this form is only 5 minutes

The more information you provide, the easier and faster we can help you.
 All information is kept strictly confidential.
Please fill ALL fields that apply to you as completely as possible.
Thank You.

How did you find out
about our website?:

If you used a Search Engine to
 find us, which one did you use?:

If you remember, please tell
us what you typed in the
Search Engine to find us?:

Owner Name(s) (list all if
more than one):

Office/Work Phone:

Home Phone:

Cell Phone:

E-Mail Address:

Street Address of Property
 you want to sell:



We only buy property in Ohio, and in the following Ohio counties: Delaware, Fairfield (Pickerington Only), and Franklin.



Note: We buy properties in Franklin County, Ohio, Fairfield County (Pickerington Only), Ohio, and Delaware County, Ohio (Southern part of Delaware County)

What type of property is it?:

Note: We DO NOT buy Raw Land, Mobile Homes, Commercial Properties, condos, or fee simple townhomes.

  # Bedrooms:

 # Bathrooms:

Does it have a basement?:

Yes No

Does it have a garage?:

Yes No

Is it currently listed with a Realtor?:

Yes No

 If Yes, then What Date
does the listing expire?:

Why are you selling?:

Are you going to move even
if you don't get it sold?:

Yes No Not Living There Now

What do you plan to do
if you can't sell it? :

Is the property vacant?

Yes No  Multi-Unit with some vacant 

If No, Will it Be Vacant Soon?:

Yes No 

Would you describe the condition as Excellent, Good, Average, Neglected, or Bad?:

If you had to guess a ballpark amount, how much would you guess that it would cost to pay somebody to do any major OR minor repairs, or updates, to put the property in perfect condition?:

If we had your property appraised by
a professional appraiser, what do you
 think it would be worth in Excellent conditon?:

What is your Asking Price?:

How long have you been trying to sell it?:

If we can pay you all cash and close quickly, what is the least amount you could accept?:

If we agreed to take good care of the property, and be responsible for all of the maintenance, would you consider leasing to us with the option to buy?:

Yes No

How much do you currently
owe on the property?: 

1st Mortgage

2nd Mortgage

What is the payment amount
on the loan(s)?:

1st Mortgage

2nd Mortgage 

Does your payment include taxes and insurance?:

Yes No Don't Know

Are any of the payments behind right now?:

Yes No

If YES: About how much money are the payments behind?:

If NO: Do you think the payments might get behind if it doesn't sell soon?:

Yes No Not Applicable

Would you like information on our programs where we can take over your mortgage payments?:

Would you consider selling the property for what you owe on it?:

Yes No

Are the property taxes behind right now?:

Yes No

If YES: About how much money are the taxes behind?:

Would you like information on how we can buy your property using a Land Contract?:

Yes No

Would you be willing to wait for some of your equity until a later time?:

Do you have any other properties that you need to sell?:

Yes No

If YES: How many others?:

What kind of Repairs does the property
need (including major OR minor repair)?:

Does the title holder to the property have any income tax liens or judgements against them, that you know about?:

Yes No Maybe

If you are NOT living at the property you're trying to sell, please provide a separate mailing address to which we could mail you a written offer:

Please tell us anything else you would like to about your situation or your property: 


Thank you for taking your time to fill out our form.
The answers you provided will help us to help you.
You should hear something back from us TODAY (the same business day).
If not, please call us at (614) 754-0568

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